Whether you are directly affected by Coronavirus or not it is going to affect all of us in one way or another. It is important that we all are part of the broader community response to managing the spread of the coronavirus. This is not a time for us to judge what is right or wrong but to do our best to respond to the rapidly changing nature of this event. The health and safety of the community, our customers, staff and suppliers are paramount and is at front of mind with every decision we make within the business. Based on the current advice from government health officials and other industry officials we have put in place policies and procedures to do our part in the community response.
Changes have been made in our day to day operations.
- Practicing Social Distancing
- Customer Vehicle Sanitizing on arrival and departure
- Replacement vehicle sanitizing prior to use
- Facility Sanitizing several times daily
- Increased staff hygiene & health policy
- Information Flyers around the office and workshop
- Additional sanitization products available for customer, staff and visitor use
- Contactless handover options available for both vehicle and payment/paperwork
- Contactless goods receiving processes
- Further emphasis of our onsite service for Pick Up, Delivery and Towing
- Respectful Customer Relations Policy in place for all staff
Flagstaff Autobody takes this matter very seriously, unfortunately this may mean we may refuse service to anyone who won’t comply with our policies or procedures.
Further details of our policies and procedures can be obtained on our website or by calling and asking for a copy.

Management Team
Flagstaff Autobody
PH: 1300 622 120